got support?

Join DSSU for an hour of mutual support, camaraderie, and skill-building.

We welcome all drug spotters, whether you volunteer or work with an organization that provides drug spotting services or whether you spot independently.

A Drug Spotters Support Union (DSSU) Safe Space Call is a space for you to have a chat about your drug spotting experiences that have been difficult, troubling, or that you just need to walk through with another person.

Safe Space Calls last for one hour max and need to be scheduled at least 12 hours in advance. You can choose Google Meet (video-capable) or a phone call (no video) at the time you schedule your call.

In a DSSU Safe Space Call, we expect that you and your host will:

  • Protect the identity and trust of others by not sharing real names, places, or or anything else that might be able to identify someone

  • Be mindful of the time that you have with one of us - we are all volunteers and our time is donated to YOU

  • Speak with respect, kindness, and understanding